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I just ate far too many sweets, jellies, lollies or- well, whatever you call them, they are bad for you and are packed with sugar. They should just be called 'body destroyers' or 'don't eat mees'. I think that would help me stop eating them. I should really get a job in advertising and come up with product names, except I don't think anyone wants a product name that stops people from buying their product. It is OK (not great) that I ate so many lollies because I smashed my body this morning at a circuit class. I've never been to one before and was shocked at how hardcore it is. I mean, I run a lot- but this is insane! My lovely girlfriend, Amelia* has been going there a lot and I think she is looking really good but she thinks she has seen no improvement- and yet, she continues to put herself through this ordeal! I am not quite sure if I am going to go again. I kept getting confused and just when I would work out how to do an exercise, I would have to move to the next one. If I was a proper person I would probably cope better. The fact that I get confused in a circuit workout is alarming to me, but what can I say? Maybe I am just uncoordinated or maybe I am just not a proper person. In this case it could be better to claim the lesser crime of being uncoordinated. Amelia always strikes me as a proper person because she is always so together and organized and happy and well-balanced. She works full-time AND manages to squeeze in these workouts AND pay her bills and organize her life. Sometimes I really feel like it is so hard just being a person and yet she seems to have a good grasp of it. My mother really likes her. Maybe she is hoping some of Amelia's 'properness' will rub off on me. I sure hope so.
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