Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hair Propability.

So, after a girl's night out, I dropped by a bar to see two of my male actor friends. One of them, Simon* had been a subject of conversation at the girl's night. The actresses had gotten excited about how gorgeous he was and one of them had even 'bid' on him when he had auctioned himself off for a date for charity. I had texted him to boost his ego and tell him that he was being drooled over. He was delighted. So, imagine my shock when I dropped by the bar to discover that Simon had some new sort of bowl haircut! Instead of keeping my thoughts about his shocking hairstyle to myself, I suddenly found myself blurting them out. "You're hair looks weird," I said. I mean, OK, it wasn't that nice to say so, but I have also told him on numerous occasions that he was extremely handsome. You give and you take, right? Alright, even that doesn't quite make up for it, but I was expecting him to laugh. I did NOT get a laugh, or even a giggle or even a brush off! Instead, I witnessed a man lose his sh*t! His eyebrows furrowed. A deep fiery red began to takeover his face, his jaw clenched, his eyes widened. Satan seemed to be standing in front of me. Simon was nowhere to be seen. The evil, red man, spoke:
"You can't just say that to people!" he hissed. "I mean, F$*k you! Seriously, you have to learn how to talk to people! I can't change it now-can I?"
I, shocked and worried for his emotional safety, of course scrambled some compliments together and lay them upon him. But he could no longer hear me. I have never seen someone so angry in my entire life! The fragility of the actor's ego astounded me. I tried to dig myself out of it. Not a good idea.
"Maybe, subconsciously, I wanted to take you down a notch because all the girls were talking you up so much," I, tryingly said.
My good friend Ash* turned to me and said,
"You should probably just stop talking now."
I understood, I was making it worse. I tried to keep my mouth shut. But I couldn't bear his angry eyes. I wanted Simon to come back. My trial exorcism continued.
"You can always change your hair," I added, helpfully.
Oh my God, I should shut up. He exploded.
"Look, I didn't like your hair when you died it brown but I didn't say that to you, did I? DID I"
No, he didn't. In fact, come to think of it, I think he must have lied. OK, OK, point taken, he preferred me as a blonde. I get it. I wasn't offended. I didn't have a hissy fit. It is just hair after all. I told him so and tried to lead by example. See, I can take a hit! Still, the devil stared at me.
In the end, after trying to salvage the situation and failing miserably, I thought it was best if I just cut my losses and moved on. I was there for less that 20 minutes and had caused a lot of damage. Was it really my terrible behavior? Am I really lacking in social graces? I reminded him, as I left, that I must have previously given him a million compliments, to which he responded,
" Once, at Zara's house, by the pool, you said I was handsome."
He snarled through this as though he could barely stand saying it. He looked sad as he remembered this one occasion. A moment of hope? Then he looked angry again. Time to leave. I pretty much ran out of there, hoping that he would forgive me later. All this because of his hair! Sheesh! OVERREACTION! I guess neither of us was a proper person in the situation but then again, we are both actors, so no-one expected us to be. I must try and hang out more with non-actors. This will surely increase my 'propability'.

1 comment:

  1. This is extremely funny. Genuine el-oh-el funny. Such a vivid scene it was like watching it on telly.
    When this blog becomes a book, which it inevitably will, this needs to be at the start of a chapter close to the middle.
    And for the record, I LOVED your hair when it was brown.
    Now... am I lying?
