Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dreamy muffins and other things.

I've got muffins in the oven and dreams in the pipeline. I can now just sit here and wait for the dough to rise. Have I prepared sufficiently to warrant this laid back attitude? Well, regarding the muffins; we will find out in 10 minutes. The dream's success may be a little harder to judge and the pipeline more difficult to locate. It exists merely in my mind. I've always liked the thought that successful people are people who have a dream and they work on their dreams until they hold them in their hands. I just checked on the muffins and they look good. I shall have them in my hands any second. I have never made this recipe before so it will be interesting to see if they taste as good as they look. The deception of dreams is a reality I intend to take seriously. I want my success to be of a certain quality. I have no aspirations to become a daytime soap star or a reality TV star. That is why I have made organic muffins. Carefully selecting each of the ingredients; even down to organic bacon. Unfortunately, they could still taste like s@*t.

I spent today working on an audition for a feature script I love. It is for a leading role and it is a dynamic female protagonist. So many men write two dimensional roles for women, so it is exciting to see a character practically breathing on the page. (That is one of the reasons we need more female writers.) I rehearsed by myself for a couple of hours and then went to a friends house and rehearsed with him. We finished by eating chocolate biscuits, in order to erase any good my morning run had done. In the midst of conversation, my manager called and so I never got to say goodbye to my friend. I simply walked out, motioning with my hand and mouthing "thank you- I will call you!", whilst simultaneously discussing my career on the phone. Other actors understand this. No matter WHAT you are doing- if you're agent or manager calls, it takes precedence. My old agent told me his clients would take his calls when they were in the movie theater or hyperventilating on their daily run, in the bath and even having sex! I have been guilty of at least two of the aforementioned. Sorry. Not the sex one!

I am baking the muffins for tomorrow's miracle class. I think baking is definitely something proper people do, so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. They better turn out OK though. I kind of mix and matched the recipes. Hmmmm.... Anyway, I hope they are well received. Both the muffins and my dreams.

UH-OH! I just tasted the muffins- and they don't taste very good!!

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