Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lackadaisical Casanovas

I definitely woke up too late today to be considered a proper person. I know my mother would not be happy about it. But I did wake up feeling rather glorious, basking in the sunlight, with the residue of champagne doing its final rounds of my circulatory system. Last night, I celebrated my beloved Langford*'s script win by ordering in Thai take-out and cracking the bottle of Moet we had in the fridge. We put on Heath Ledger's 'Casanova' and delighted in its frivolity. I felt sad watching Heath because I knew him a little. He was so talented and to see him in all his glory in the film just reminded me of what a great actor he really was. He had achieved so much at such a young age and then he sabotaged his success and it was all destroyed. What a waste. The film is directed with just the right lightness of touch. Beautiful performances from everyone and such a fun script. I feel like they haven't been making movies like this lately. There have been too many superhero movies to allow for this kind of farcical romantic comedy. It reminded me of the classic 'The Princess Bride'.

When I finally got out of bed, I read the paper and toasted one of my homemade muffins, spreading butter all over it. Delicious. Then I got ready for acting class. I performed a comedy scene. Nobody laughed. AND MOVING ON. Actually, when you fall flat on your face you have to just get up again. So, I tried it again. People laughed a lot more. Other people came up to me and said I did a great job and the teacher also complimented the first read-through. But I don't understand how it could have been good if it was a comedy and nobody laughed. Perhaps they were all laughing inside. I don't get it. I wanted to talk to the teacher about this. People have always said I was funny and my first break was in a comedic role in a TV series. However, at the moment, it seems as though I'm just not funny anymore. Could this be the case? Maybe someone removed my funny bone in my sleep? Maybe I've been trying too hard to be serious and proper? Maybe everyone was lying when they said I was funny! Who knows. I had to get to the bottom of this! I asked the teacher a little about why it was funnier the second time and he pretty much just walked off! What kind of behavior is that?? Do I stink or something? I decided to try again. I followed him and told him a little more about my experience and asked him some questions. He looked very disinterested and answered very briskly and then tried to strike up a conversation with a male student. 'Why is he ignoring me?' I said to myself. Hmmmm, the teacher is gay and maybe he fancied the male actor or knew him really well or something. OR MAYBE he found me really annoying! Could it be true? I guess so. The thing is, this was the first time I'd really talked to him properly so it seems unlikely. I had planned to stay to watch the rest of the actor's perform but in view of this recent snub I decided to move on with my day. I don't need this! Since I was in Hollywood, I rang a few friends who lived nearby but no-one was around. Is everyone rejecting me today? What's going on?

Finally I got in touch with Mike*. Mike is an ex who has become a great friend of mine. He is an actor/musician who works at a hotel restaurant. I met him there for a quick hello. I sat in the sun and had a glass of fresh lemonade. Mike arrived with a full beard, in preparation for his next acting role. We discussed our recent auditions, recent star spottings and our future aspirations. That was about all we had time for. I then went to whole foods to stock up on food, flowers and toilet paper- we really needed some. When I got home it turns out Langford had already bought toilet paper too. Great. Now we really are stocked up. I also went kind of crazy in the food dept and we have an overflowing fridge now. I'm secretly hoping that there is a big storm tomorrow that lasts for two days, just so we can feel pleased about how stocked up on food and toilet paper we are. Wouldn't that be great? I sign off here having discussed the joys of having a cupboard full of toilet paper. I think it has become painfully obvious that my day has not been that exciting. Oh well, I guess tomorrow can only be an improvement. Onwards!

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