Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fairy Floss, Dumplings and Babies.

Early morning rise and a walk with my beloved Langford. We walked to Starbucks which is a place I never intend to work in. I got a residual check today for $170, so that will keep me in the customer queue and not behind the counter for at least 8.8333 days. I drank a bottle of water and passed on the coffee. Upon arriving home, I searched for wrapping paper and a card for Penny's baby, due in August. I had carefully selected a book for the boy, yesterday, but I had ended up choosing a book with sparkling butterflies on it which, Langford said, was more like something for me, not a boy. I had become enchanted with the positive rhymes and butterflies and suddenly the boy factor had flown out the window. Surely it is good for boys to be exposed to pretty things? Ah well, we will see how Penny's son turns out! After finding the suitable wrapping paper, I then set off to West Hollywood and picked up Penny from her hotel. We dined at the little french cafe and she bought me breakfast which was very kind of her. We ate a delicious paris ham, wild mushroom and gruyere omelette while we talked about all of our relationships and what we have been doing over the past year. She made a documentary which is pretty impressive and I guess, since I saw her last, I had made a film. We really only touched on those subjects though. For the most part we talked about our love lives and how she had got together with the father or her baby and about her previous break-up and about my relationship and how in love with Langford I am and about how Langford and I broke up and got back together. Of course the two hours we spent together disappeared like vapor in the air and then she was out of my life as quickly as she had dropped in. I drove her to the Farmer's Market where we said our goodbyes and then I was off to Thai town to meet Zara.

Zara was determined to teach me the joys of doing a grocery shop in Thai town and it is much cheaper than the supermarkets! A whole package of string beans is only 89 cents! This was wonderful news to me and I packed my basket full of fresh basil and beans and broccoli and freshly cut papaya. We also sampled some of the asian sweets. Unfortunately only one of the three packets we bought was any good. The asian fairy floss wrapped in a rice paper sheet. Such a satisfying treat. When we got back to Zara's house, she made some meat dumplings and I ate 2 as well as sampling her pistachio tarte tatin. I can't tell you how blissful it is to be fed so much delicious home made food. I think Zara and I have both been cooking a lot more lately. I then partook in my bad habit. Watching The Tudors on Showtime. I love that show and find that I easily become obsessed with it. I have always been fascinated with Henry the 8th and his wives. I have read many books about them and watched a bunch of movies about them and I know exactly what is going to happen-however I am still captivated by the story every time! It is strange how a story can do that. It is not always about the surprise or the twist at the end, it is just about the incredible events and how the story is told. That is what makes a story interesting, not the unexpected, but rather, the expected. For then we have the opportunity to closely study the human condition, how people were driven to act as they did and how they felt when they acted. We are no longer distracted by the story. People are interested in studying character and how it defines us. Can we ever really change our character or are we forever trapped in ourselves like Sartre's captives in 'No Exit'? I think the distance that history gives us, allows us greater insight into the realities those people faced. We are able to see it more clearly from far away, because we no longer feel threatened by the actions. I think that is why we can watch films about the holocaust now but couldn't when it was happening or just after the events. The wounds were too fresh for us to look upon and study. Only once they are healed are we able to run or fingers lightly over the scars.

Zara and I then made a whole bunch of steamed gyoza or dumplings. We made some with fresh coriander and mince and some with halibut and onion. They were all delicious and very healthy. Zara's boyfriend Ted and a co-star from her TV show, Edward, joined us. We played around with the video camera and then I helped Zara hang fairy lights in the back garden and ran lines with her for her audition. It was a lovely day and I feel in much better spirits. Miracle class was helpful last night and just what I needed. These are my last days of being 30. Only one more day. Hmmm. I wonder if I will be this way forever? I know that deep down inside me, there is a proper person trying to get out but I just can't locate her at the moment. I shall continue to search and keep you updated on any advancements. Maybe when I turn 31 I will suddenly become proper! Let's see.

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