Monday, May 24, 2010

I really struggled to get out of bed this morning. You may recall that I have difficulties on Mondays. I think it is because everyone rushes of to work on Mondays and I am never quite sure what to do with myself. I hate to admit my laziness or moroseness here, but it is true that I felt that way and I am trying very hard to be truthful in this blog. Already I feel myself omitting certain things because I know that Langford and my mother are reading this. I know my mother will be close to having a heart attack when she reads that I didn't get out of bed till 10am! I felt down and had to force myself out- its not that bad, surely? Even though I know my father is reading this, I don't feel the need to censor so much for him. Perhaps on financial matters- he is probably shocked at how much I go out to eat etc...but for the most part I don't feel as much need to censor. Anyway, moving on. You will be pleased to know that I finally managed to embrace the day and put my running gear on. I tricked myself into running by telling myself that I only needed to take a walk. I knew that if I felt OK I would just start running and that is exactly what I did! So I ran 5km. I knew I would feel better once those endorphins were rushing around. I had decided to carry $5 in my hand in case I felt like running up to the coffee shop. As I was walking, post run, I realized that I had dropped the $5. I had actually totally forgotten that I was even carrying it. "Oh well", I thought to myself "somebody will feel happy that they find $5 on the road, I don't think I will be able to find it." Still, I kept a look out as I walked back and 10 minutes later- guess what? I found the $5 sitting right at the point where I had finished my run! I've never been so happy to see $5. I couldn't believe that someone else hadn't seen it! I guess in the end, I was the lucky person after all.

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