Saturday, May 22, 2010

I am cooking organic spaghetti bolognaise and listening to classical music. It is very relaxing. My tummy feels a little strange though. I have decided to remedy this with a glass of organic red wine. I know what you're thinking- bad choice. But the thing is it seems to be working and anyway its organic. Maybe it just shuts of the pain signals from my brain to my tummy. 'Whatever works', as the saying goes. I had coffee with Melina in Venice Beach. She's the actress I did a film with at the end of last year. Its funny that we're connecting so well right now because we didn't have so many big conversations on set. I don't know why that is. Maybe because we are both foreigners chasing our dream in this city of angels. That gives us a lot in common. I just tasted a piece of pasta. I think I might have put a bit too much salt in the water. Don't tell Langford. Hopefully he won't notice. I was very excited to put in the Maldon Sea Salt that my friend Zara and I had gone hunting for the other day. Potentially overdid it. Nevermind. I'm sure it will just wash off the pasta shells. I've been reading an interesting book today. Illusions. It is filled with stories and I like it a lot. The gist of it is that everything is an illusion and that we create our lives. I would like to create mine as incredibly successful actress making so much money and being so busy that I have no time to write this blog. Although, I do quite like writing maybe I will manage to fit that in post filming.

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